
Teltronic / Blog
Base station types: a solution for every deployment scenario

Base station types: a solution for every deployment scenario

In critical communications deployments, each environment offers physical, geographical and climatic characteristics that will be decisive when it come...
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Blog Body-worn cameras with PTT and 4G, increased efficiency and security in police operations
08 April

Body-worn cameras with PTT and 4G, increased efficiency and security in police operations

In recent years, and given the need to provide law enforcement officers with the most secure and advanced equipment, personal recording systems have gained some popularity, a tool that has proven to b...
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Blog Hybrid models, key to the development of broadband networks in Europe
16 March

Hybrid models, key to the development of broadband networks in Europe

Last January, the TCCA (The Critical Communications Association) organized the webinar “The Development of Critical Broadband Networks – Five Nations Give Their Perspective”, a session aim...
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Blog Indoor coverage, a major challenge in radio deployments
04 March

Indoor coverage, a major challenge in radio deployments

Some days ago, we reported on the updating of the TETRA system of Torre Picasso, one of the most famous skyscrapers in Madrid, and, taking advantage of this piece of news, we will talk about deploymen...
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Blog Project Hesperides: success of the hybrid NEBULA TETRA + LTE system after its two expeditions to Antarctica.
20 January

Project Hesperides: success of the hybrid NEBULA TETRA + LTE system after its two expeditions to Antarctica.

After explaining how the first steps were taken, and after telling how was the installation on the ship, we continue with the final chapter of our experience during the Hespérides project, developed w...
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Blog Critical communications for utilities and Oil&Gas, a valuable tool to face the challenges of the sector
07 January

Critical communications for utilities and Oil&Gas, a valuable tool to face the challenges of the sector

Talking about telecommunications, companies operating in Oil & Gas, utilities or large industries are also included within what we call critical sectors. It must be taken into account that the sup...
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Blog P25 and TETRA, comparative analysis of the two technologies that revolutionized critical communications
19 November

P25 and TETRA, comparative analysis of the two technologies that revolutionized critical communications

TETRA and Project 25 (P25) are the two technologies that have become consolidated as the reference for public safety and emergency response agencies. Both of them provide an efficient use of the spect...
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Blog Mobile units, tactical solutions for fast and agile deployments
09 September

Mobile units, tactical solutions for fast and agile deployments

Critical communications systems are designed to provide maximum availability, from any location at any time. However, there are some circumstances in which a communications network may need to be exte...
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Blog TETRA to 2035 and beyond
08 July

TETRA to 2035 and beyond

Some weeks ago, the Critical Communications Association, TCCA, arranged a webinar that, with the explicit titled “TETRA to 2035 and beyond” was aimed to explain the ongoing enhancement of the mission ...
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Blog TETRA Vs PoC solutions, an uneven battle in critical environments
08 July

TETRA Vs PoC solutions, an uneven battle in critical environments

In recent years, PoC solutions, Push-to-talk Over Cellular, have been gaining popularity in the telecommunications market. They are based on a mobile phone application that emulates the operation of a...
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